
You are now REgistered for The summer of Change

The summer of change starts on june 20th at 3 pm cst via zoom

Please take a moment to answer the questions below. They are designed to help me better tailor this experience to meet your specific needs. I want you to get the most out of this Summer of Change!

Once you’ve answered the questions, you will find everything you need below to get started for our first coaching session on June 20th.

Start the Summer of Change by joining The Mid-Life Makeover Group Coaching Community.

  • The Mid-Life Makeover Method Online Course

    Follow along with this self guided step by step program over the next 8 weeks.

    Inside you will find the tools to help guide you as we progress over the next eight weeks.

    Included are additional videos and workbooks to really dive in deeper each week. Get ready to show up, follow-through and create the changes you want in your life.

    Access the online course and bonus modules here.

  • The Mid-Life Makeover Group Coaching

    Over the next 8 weeks, we will meet weekly to work towards making progress in achieving the changes you want to see in your life.

    This community is an opportunity to learn, grow, support and encourage each other while maintaining accountability.

    Please join the The Mid-Life Makeover Group Coaching Community below, as well as access the weekly coaching schedules, sessions, and replays.

I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish over these 8 weeks!